Further Your Education - Become a U.S.F.A. Certified Farrier!

Certification is important because it is a measurable indicator of a farrier's education, experience, and professionalism. Becoming a Certified Farrier through the U.S.F.A sets you apart from other farriers in your area and demonstrates your level of proficiency and continuing education. Becoming a U.S.F.A. Certified Farrier also enters you in the U.S.F.A. Nationwide Farrier Database which helps future clients locate you.

Certification will be proctored by Certifiers at future U.S.F.A. farrier certifications and at horseshoeing schools around the country. Certification includes an online written test as well as a practical skill demonstration on live horses.

Contact us if you would like information about how your school could offer the U.S. Farrier Association certification for students.

"Neglected hooves can lead to chronic issues that will affect your horse's quality of life and longevity. “No hoof no horse” is a very real thing. I’ve trimmed horses well into their 30’s and a few into their 40’s and one key similarity I’ve seen is the horse owner maintained the horse’s feet very carefully and consistently."

-Book by Certified Journeyman Farrier and Master Educator Josh Axsom, “Hoof Trimming for Horse Owners Plus.”